Friday, 25 November 2022

What are boys and girls like?

On 25th November, we celebrated the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. We decided to work on gender role stereotypes with the students in first and seconde year secondary school. Just like previous years, they were requested to describe what the opposite gender is like, so boys described girls and girls described boys, and they also had to draw someone of that gender performing an activity which they consider is not typical.

Of course, the aim of the exercise is not to promote gender role stereotypes but to identify these roles in order to escape them. Our students have noticed that we are all unique and that no stereotypes can define what we are like.

Students from the Second Year Higher Level Vocational Training Cycle in Promotion of Gender Equality, also worked in this project first giving advice on how to improve the explanations of human sexuality to secondary school students and then designing their own poster related gender roles and gender-based violence. 

Enjoy our students' posters:




Monday, 18 October 2021

What is human sexuality?

 Human sexuality is a combination of physical, social, and appealing factors:

Debate: How do we acquire the perception of what a man and a woman are? See videos on gender role and debate about this topic orderly.